About WebRabbit
WebRabbit Media (Pty) Ltd is the inspiration of copywriter Russel Brownlee and web designer Pia Taylor. Being small business owners themselves, they were super aware of the value of a good website in reaching out to clients and presenting a good first impression. However, it was clear by looking at some of the sites out in the wild web that many small businesses and enthusiasts were struggling to get sites worthy of their products and services.
Russel and Pia set out to find a way of giving people great-looking sites built to the latest standards, but at a price that was affordable. And so WebRabbit was born.
The Rabbit lives in Cape Town and is often seen in the city’s best coffee bars. Feeding him espresso and Lindt chocolate will earn you a toothy grin and loads of good karma!
WebRabbit Media now also has an office in Kegworth, Derby (UK).