Want to save money on the creation of your website? Then begin with your website text and learn how to trim it down so it needs fewer pages to get your point across. In this article I’m going to share some copywriting guidelines we gave a client that enabled her...
Electrify your text with value propositions Take a quick look at your home page text. Does it use the words “we” or “our” more than once? Does it talk all about your company and what you do? Does it say how you pride yourself in your excellent...
Write copy that catches attention and sells your products Your website text is what does all the heavy work of selling your product and attracting search engine traffic. It’s surprising, then, that many people leave the text until last when creating their site. Here...
Do you have a website that you need to provide content for? Have you wondered how to write articles and web pages that capture attention and get people to call you or buy your product? This article takes you through 5 basic steps that will help you write website copy...